You Fulfilled Your Contractual Obligation, However Your Customer Or Client Is Unable Or Unwilling To Pay

Businesses sometimes face the harsh realities that arise when working with insolvent or uncreditworthy customers, clients, and counterparties. Cokinos | Young’s Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights attorneys understand the unique challenges and complexities of protecting creditor rights in the face of diminishing assets and competing claimants. Our attorneys have represented secured and unsecured creditors, creditors’ committees, bankruptcy trustees, and have been retained as special counsel in complex bankruptcy proceedings.

We Maximize The Prospect And Amount Of Recovery, While Minimizing The Prospect And Amount Of Any Claim That Might Be Asserted Against Our Client

Cokinos | Young attorneys retain and explore all possibilities to satisfy our clients’ rights including, but not limited to the following:

  • “Out-of-court” workout that does not involve litigation
  • Formal bankruptcy proceeding
  • Prosecuting litigation to satisfy judgments
  • Pursuing extraordinary pre-judgment relief, such as sequestrations, attachments, and garnishments
  • Utilizing the bankruptcy system’s mechanisms to preserve our clients’ rights
  • Initiate adversary proceedings where appropriate to aggressively pursue obligations owing to our clients.
  • Defend clients against actions by debtors, trustees, and creditor committees to raid payments claimed to be voidable preferences

We Are There For Every Step Of The Process

Our lawyers are experienced in conducting post-judgment discovery, and using the law efficiently and effectively to collect judgments once an award is obtained. Our bankruptcy and creditor rights attorneys assist our creditor clients with every step of the process. We offer our experience to the firm’s corporate, transactional, and litigation attorneys, offering assistance in planning for possible liquidity issues. We can provide clients the breadth of representation and experience necessary to form a complete analysis of the client’s posture relative to competing creditors, and we can effectively advocate on our clients’ behalf during adversary proceedings.

Our Attorneys Who Specialize in Bankruptcy & Creditor Rights

  • All
  • Austin
  • California
  • Dallas | Fort Worth
  • Houston
  • New Jersey/New York
  • San Antonio

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