Cokinos | Young Founding Principal Marc Young was re-elected for his second term as a Director of the FDCC (Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel). This is Marc’s second term as a Director. Marc heads the firm’s Tort Litigation Section which deals principally with the defense of corporations and individuals sued for claims involving personal injury and property damage. Marc handles a wide variety of claims ranging from product liability, construction defects, premises liability, commercial disputes, and professional liability. Marc is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law and he has tried over 100 cases in state and federal court, arbitrated 12 construction cases, and continues to try and arbitrate a significant number of cases each year while remaining active within the defense bar by writing, speaking and chairing important committees and subcommittees.
About the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel
Founded in 1936, the FDCC is composed of recognized leaders in the legal community who have achieved professional distinction. It is dedicated to promoting knowledge, fellowship, and professionalism of its members as they pursue the course of a balanced justice system and represent those in need of a defense in civil lawsuits.